It seems impossible to believe that I actually overlooked Murphy and his laws, more so as he literally rules my life...Which one this time, you ask? Heehee :D
All the good ones are taken. If the person isn't taken, there is a reason.
I keep wanting to see Mumbley the dog on cartoon network these days, only as usual I don't have the patience to wait...And come to think of it, I don't have the inclination either. All my wants have become feeble nudges at my mind again..(yes, not soul, but mind...I don't think I have one of those, so..:D)
Gawd I am such a megalomaniac :D *Smug look*
Friday, June 30, 2006
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
It is extremely embarrassing. It really is. I never asked anyone all this, I made my own way.
I don’t really blame them, they are just confused parents bewildered by the choices their children face today, things unheard of in their time. And so the instant they see/hear of anyone in IIT, they make a beeline for them. Which, for targets like me, I daresay is excessively embarrassing. I mean, isn’t it crazy to ask someone you don’t even know to literally make the decision about your child’s future? At office, I am being bombarded by requests to meet someone’s daughter, someone’s nephew, and heaven knows what else so I could “guide” them regarding the direction they should take. At least four guys have taken my number claiming some relative of theirs had kids who would like to be able to talk to me. So far, the only people calling are these guys themselves (even after incessant snubbing...shamelessly desperate, I tell you...) And these poor little kids are usually either in their 10th or they have just finished their 10th.
This lady from office dragged me to her house (“It’s just 5 minutes away, I’m sure my daughter will benefit if you brief her about things, I’ll drop you back, blah blah”) last evening and I was unceremoniously seated in front of a 10th class-goer. For a while I didn’t even know what to say and the kid, I daresay, was equally flabbergasted. And then I had to, for lack of other things to say, launch into a detailed (and horrendously boring) narrative into what I thought her choices should be. I kept stressing that the choice was hers in the end and literally begged her to consult others before she decided, coz I didn’t want to be burdened with the idea that I might just have screwed up with her life :D I kept thinking she would jump up and strangle me for being so hopelessly boring, but when I saw that she was actually hanging onto every word, I thought my own intestine might just jump up and do it anyway. Sadly enough, nothing did happen except that the lady got me an interestingly green drink in a mud pot, which I promptly devoured in the hope that it might do the trick, and that she was bored and wanted me to stop. At the very least, I hoped I would choke on it...Again, no luck. The drink tasted like muck, too.
And my mum laughed her ass off (no, no, I mean figuratively speaking) when I told her people were asking me for advice. She told me she thought those people needed help. Professional help, if you get the drift...
I don’t really blame them, they are just confused parents bewildered by the choices their children face today, things unheard of in their time. And so the instant they see/hear of anyone in IIT, they make a beeline for them. Which, for targets like me, I daresay is excessively embarrassing. I mean, isn’t it crazy to ask someone you don’t even know to literally make the decision about your child’s future? At office, I am being bombarded by requests to meet someone’s daughter, someone’s nephew, and heaven knows what else so I could “guide” them regarding the direction they should take. At least four guys have taken my number claiming some relative of theirs had kids who would like to be able to talk to me. So far, the only people calling are these guys themselves (even after incessant snubbing...shamelessly desperate, I tell you...) And these poor little kids are usually either in their 10th or they have just finished their 10th.
This lady from office dragged me to her house (“It’s just 5 minutes away, I’m sure my daughter will benefit if you brief her about things, I’ll drop you back, blah blah”) last evening and I was unceremoniously seated in front of a 10th class-goer. For a while I didn’t even know what to say and the kid, I daresay, was equally flabbergasted. And then I had to, for lack of other things to say, launch into a detailed (and horrendously boring) narrative into what I thought her choices should be. I kept stressing that the choice was hers in the end and literally begged her to consult others before she decided, coz I didn’t want to be burdened with the idea that I might just have screwed up with her life :D I kept thinking she would jump up and strangle me for being so hopelessly boring, but when I saw that she was actually hanging onto every word, I thought my own intestine might just jump up and do it anyway. Sadly enough, nothing did happen except that the lady got me an interestingly green drink in a mud pot, which I promptly devoured in the hope that it might do the trick, and that she was bored and wanted me to stop. At the very least, I hoped I would choke on it...Again, no luck. The drink tasted like muck, too.
And my mum laughed her ass off (no, no, I mean figuratively speaking) when I told her people were asking me for advice. She told me she thought those people needed help. Professional help, if you get the drift...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
"Today's fortune"
Today's fortune:
You are going to have some new clothes
This is my fortune today, according to Orkut. What is it supposed to mean?!
I am going to have some new clothes? Do they mean like having a baby?
Maybe they are tied up with all the shopping malls in town, and they expect me to rush out of office and buy new clothes for myself the instant I see this statement, because they like to think I am a staunch believer in their fortune-telling...
Who wants these fortunes?! I mean, I don’t remember asking for them when I signed up on this Orkut thing...Are there actually people who religiously log onto orkut each day and believe in their daily fortunes? Who the hell actually wants these ridiculous things?! It is, as most other things seem to be of late, completely out of my range of comprehension :D
You are going to have some new clothes
This is my fortune today, according to Orkut. What is it supposed to mean?!
I am going to have some new clothes? Do they mean like having a baby?
Maybe they are tied up with all the shopping malls in town, and they expect me to rush out of office and buy new clothes for myself the instant I see this statement, because they like to think I am a staunch believer in their fortune-telling...
Who wants these fortunes?! I mean, I don’t remember asking for them when I signed up on this Orkut thing...Are there actually people who religiously log onto orkut each day and believe in their daily fortunes? Who the hell actually wants these ridiculous things?! It is, as most other things seem to be of late, completely out of my range of comprehension :D
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Now they have a guide to flirting?!
A few years ago, a close friend of mine, who was rather unsuccessful in his myriad romantic endeavours, asked me (and a group of friends) how we flirted. He insisted it was an art, and pleaded that we help him. A few of us countered what he had to say, with one guy coming up with a trillion examples of animals having strange coloured attractions for their mates, and insisting that the trick was to wear purple clothes...
None of us had a clue what to say, but we rose to the strange challenge, and I daresay between us, we created a formidable romeo! Today he is happily *touchwood* (:D) married to a Tam girl he fell in love with, and he sent me this link, saying “So I didn’t really need u guys eh?! ;)”
And it is pretty amusing, with extensive (if fairly creepy) information, including the alleged places appropriate for flirting, elaborate gestures, exhaustive regulations on facial expression and whatnot! Do take a look at it, it's definitely worth it if u are well versed in the 'art'! (And, obviously, if you have a fairly developed sense of humor...)
None of us had a clue what to say, but we rose to the strange challenge, and I daresay between us, we created a formidable romeo! Today he is happily *touchwood* (:D) married to a Tam girl he fell in love with, and he sent me this link, saying “So I didn’t really need u guys eh?! ;)”
And it is pretty amusing, with extensive (if fairly creepy) information, including the alleged places appropriate for flirting, elaborate gestures, exhaustive regulations on facial expression and whatnot! Do take a look at it, it's definitely worth it if u are well versed in the 'art'! (And, obviously, if you have a fairly developed sense of humor...)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Whoever said gossip is a girl's forte could never have worked in an office of any sort. You can't blame these chaps, they are supposed to be here from 9 to 6, and they rarely ever have any work on any given day that lasts more than 4 hours. Hence the innumerable coffee/tea breaks, the "sutta" sessions, and most importantly, the gossip!! What do they gossip about, do I hear you ask?? Every possible thing...who is speculated to be leaving for what job, who has ego issues, who can't do any f***ing work even if his life depended upon it, etc etc...
The room I sit in seems to be the nucleus of all this gossip...On any given day, these chaps come and gossip at least four times...And as one of them observed yesterday, I probably know the most of all know, all I do is sit and listen to them when they gossip...hell, it ain't like I have loads of work...
And frankly, it is funny, listening to all of them backbite and double-backbite while staying observer :D
The room I sit in seems to be the nucleus of all this gossip...On any given day, these chaps come and gossip at least four times...And as one of them observed yesterday, I probably know the most of all know, all I do is sit and listen to them when they gossip...hell, it ain't like I have loads of work...
And frankly, it is funny, listening to all of them backbite and double-backbite while staying observer :D
Monday, June 19, 2006
For those of my readers who are wondering where a considerable number of my posts suddenly vanished, I have moved them elsewhere. The reason being, I found I was unable to express myself freely as quite a few people I know read this blog. And so, I will not be declaring any more of my personal feelings eloquently on this page anymore :D
Bitter, bitter chocolate....

It must not be like this, to know and try so hard not to hurt.
It should not be like this, to know and hurt so hard.
It should not be like this, to not know, then to know and yet hurt, hurt, hurt.
This is not how stories should end: that special taste, that smooth sensation of the purest truth spreading on the tongue; quickly rushing from behind to smother this sweetness, acridity.
Bitter, bitter chocolate.
Friday, June 16, 2006
At times like these I feel completely inadequate and certain that I wasn't ever meant to be an engineer. I am a student at IIT, purpotedly part of the "cream" of the nation. And I don't quite think I can deal with it.
People at office (the technical guys) have taken to springing techie questions at me each and every time they see me. And I am not good at this. People can't expect to give me a cpl of totally unrelated (or so they seem to be at the time :D) figures and come up with a totally complete answer. These are the times when I wish with all my heart I had listened to my mum and quietly done my Bcom at Hyd (her reasons were different, she didn't want me to go to some far-flung place, she'd miss all the shopping and fun that we have all the while, the poor dear!). Hell, I thought the Professors at IIT had mastered the art of making students feel totally worthless and inadequate, looks like they have competition...
I am simply not the type of person who can take two random figures, fish (succesfully at that) through "all" the knowledge their cabbage-sized brains have amassed, and come up with a meaningful answer. And I am supposed to be intelligent and smart. HA!
Next time around I shall show the guy my tongue and prance away into the distance.
People at office (the technical guys) have taken to springing techie questions at me each and every time they see me. And I am not good at this. People can't expect to give me a cpl of totally unrelated (or so they seem to be at the time :D) figures and come up with a totally complete answer. These are the times when I wish with all my heart I had listened to my mum and quietly done my Bcom at Hyd (her reasons were different, she didn't want me to go to some far-flung place, she'd miss all the shopping and fun that we have all the while, the poor dear!). Hell, I thought the Professors at IIT had mastered the art of making students feel totally worthless and inadequate, looks like they have competition...
I am simply not the type of person who can take two random figures, fish (succesfully at that) through "all" the knowledge their cabbage-sized brains have amassed, and come up with a meaningful answer. And I am supposed to be intelligent and smart. HA!
Next time around I shall show the guy my tongue and prance away into the distance.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Complacency: The feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself.
Syn: Satisfaction, contentment, smugness**
I feel smug and complacent. I know I shouldn't be admitting this, knowing as I do that Murphy might...nay...Will be listening, but yet..:D
*muffled YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!* (both coz I am in office and coz I am attempting to thwart Murphy from discovering and thereby disrupting my smugness...)
**Definition from Websters online dictionary
Syn: Satisfaction, contentment, smugness**
I feel smug and complacent. I know I shouldn't be admitting this, knowing as I do that Murphy might...nay...Will be listening, but yet..:D
*muffled YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!* (both coz I am in office and coz I am attempting to thwart Murphy from discovering and thereby disrupting my smugness...)
**Definition from Websters online dictionary
Some people are so obnoxious it surprises me that no one has murdered them yet. In any given situation, at any given time, it is essential that at least two obnoxious people exist in the immediate surroundings. And their primary functions seem to be
1. To try to outwit each other in disgusting everyone else around
2. To disgust everyone else around
3. To actually try and subtly dissect the other person’s obnoxiousness well within hearing range of the aforesaid person
4. To be royal smart arses with no such actual reasons for these claims
What is amusing is that there are always the nice-joker-types who make sure their disgust is well concealed behind a façade of humor directed at the smart arses. And all these clashes, I must say, make extremely interesting viewing, or, as the case may be, listening (that particular case is when you are a trainee and a girl at that, thereby expected to be demure and silent and we-ll, working incessantly). Incidentally, none of which I happen to be....
And whoever said office gossip was fast disappearing can, well, eat their hats or whatever headgear they adorn themselves with. In the absence of headgear, plastic flowers will do. That because there is an irritatingly large number of the aforesaid in what some interior decorator must have thought of as “strategic locations to minimize stress amongst the staff” in despicable colors around here.
At times like these I am fairly sure that someone is out to kill me with an artful new technique. Horrendous color clashes.
1. To try to outwit each other in disgusting everyone else around
2. To disgust everyone else around
3. To actually try and subtly dissect the other person’s obnoxiousness well within hearing range of the aforesaid person
4. To be royal smart arses with no such actual reasons for these claims
What is amusing is that there are always the nice-joker-types who make sure their disgust is well concealed behind a façade of humor directed at the smart arses. And all these clashes, I must say, make extremely interesting viewing, or, as the case may be, listening (that particular case is when you are a trainee and a girl at that, thereby expected to be demure and silent and we-ll, working incessantly). Incidentally, none of which I happen to be....
And whoever said office gossip was fast disappearing can, well, eat their hats or whatever headgear they adorn themselves with. In the absence of headgear, plastic flowers will do. That because there is an irritatingly large number of the aforesaid in what some interior decorator must have thought of as “strategic locations to minimize stress amongst the staff” in despicable colors around here.
At times like these I am fairly sure that someone is out to kill me with an artful new technique. Horrendous color clashes.
Monday, June 12, 2006
The amazing turn on looks make me invite you as a Friend and the
appealing profile makes it more interesting..... Making the world go
bedazzled...... n atlast u r having such a Nice hairs.. Friendz?"
How does anyone react to this?! Apart from the appaling lack of grammatical sense, how do these guys have the audacity to think anything as preposterous as a corny line like that will work on anyone??!! (not to mention, girls :D) This Orkut thing is all very fine to keep in touch with people whom you are not exactly inclined to mail, but what about all these chaps?? What are they thinking anyway?! I would really want to know...Hell, it'd probably make an interesting research topic!
"u r havin such a nice hairs"?!?!?!?! He gives me the idea he thinks each hair has an individual personality that can be classified as "nice"...and that, incidentally, is a very creepy thought...!
The amazing turn on looks make me invite you as a Friend and the
appealing profile makes it more interesting..... Making the world go
bedazzled...... n atlast u r having such a Nice hairs.. Friendz?"
How does anyone react to this?! Apart from the appaling lack of grammatical sense, how do these guys have the audacity to think anything as preposterous as a corny line like that will work on anyone??!! (not to mention, girls :D) This Orkut thing is all very fine to keep in touch with people whom you are not exactly inclined to mail, but what about all these chaps?? What are they thinking anyway?! I would really want to know...Hell, it'd probably make an interesting research topic!
"u r havin such a nice hairs"?!?!?!?! He gives me the idea he thinks each hair has an individual personality that can be classified as "nice"...and that, incidentally, is a very creepy thought...!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sometimes I wonder if I have inadvertently stuck a board on my forehead saying “come, screw with me”…or maybe it was Murphy who did it …
I have unbelievably bad luck….
Why else would an auto that seems perfectly fine breakdown at the worst possible point?? Bang on top of a large flyover, i.e. And since it wasn’t too far (in terms of distance covered by powered vehicles alone) away from my destination (a mild term for something as drastic as office), I couldn’t get another auto to take me. And so I had to walk. I had to freakin walk all the way in that disgusting heat (yes, disgusting is the perfect adjective for it. It induces disgust in all living creatures in a way I wouldn’t deem possible) to office.
If you think you know of anyone with worse luck, beat that.
(Ohhh and just in case you think you can beat me with one little story of miserable luck, you definitely wouldn't want to hear of all the times...)
I have unbelievably bad luck….
Why else would an auto that seems perfectly fine breakdown at the worst possible point?? Bang on top of a large flyover, i.e. And since it wasn’t too far (in terms of distance covered by powered vehicles alone) away from my destination (a mild term for something as drastic as office), I couldn’t get another auto to take me. And so I had to walk. I had to freakin walk all the way in that disgusting heat (yes, disgusting is the perfect adjective for it. It induces disgust in all living creatures in a way I wouldn’t deem possible) to office.
If you think you know of anyone with worse luck, beat that.
(Ohhh and just in case you think you can beat me with one little story of miserable luck, you definitely wouldn't want to hear of all the times...)
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