Friday, November 18, 2005

To think or not to think....that is the question...

There are times when I think I should stop and think about my life. But then I remember that every single time I have done that, the results have been disastrous. Maybe it's best if I don't think or retrospect. Maybe I really am too impulsive even for my own liking. And then I DO tend to postpone thinking about unpleasant stuff. Why??! Hmmmm.....Good question. Because then I'd have to take decisions, and that spooks me. It freaks me out because decisions lead to change, and I'm terrified of change. And yes, candid enough to admit that.
I like consistency. Not as a policy, but as a preference. I like it when things go the way they have been going, even if that wasn't the best. And what happens when change strikes, you ask...( true, it always does happen too...)
I adjust rather well, I should say. Funny?? Maybe. Because I tend to put off thinking about the changes too, and continue living as though it was always that way. What's wrong with that, you say, you seem to be coping perfectly.
The problem being that all this comes crashing down on me one fine, say, Tuesday morning and I feel like someone right under...i dunno...King Kong's feet. Like a house of cards which falls down at the slightest touch. Balanced, but precariously. Sad but true.

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